How To Fix Fortnite Crash On PC (2024)

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Fixing Fortnite crashes on PC can be a multi-step process that involves troubleshooting various aspects of your system and the game itself. Here's a comprehensive guide with around 500 words to help you address the issue:

Fortnite is a popular battle royale game, but like any other software, it can sometimes experience crashes on PC. If you're facing this issue, don't worry; there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix Fortnite crashes.

1. System Requirements:
Ensure that your PC meets the minimum system requirements for Fortnite. Check the game's official website for the latest specifications. If your hardware falls short, consider upgrading components like your graphics card or increasing RAM.

2. Graphics Drivers:
Outdated or corrupted graphics drivers can cause crashes. Update your graphics drivers to the latest version from the official website of your GPU manufacturer (NVIDIA, AMD, or Intel). Perform a clean installation to eliminate any potential conflicts.

3. Verify Game Files:
Corrupted game files can lead to crashes. Use the Epic Games Launcher to verify the integrity of Fortnite's game files. Open the launcher, go to the Library, click on the three dots next to Fortnite, and select "Verify."

4. DirectX and Visual C++ Redistributables:
Ensure that you have the latest DirectX version and Visual C++ Redistributable packages installed. You can download and install them from the official Microsoft website.

5. Background Applications:
Running resource-intensive applications alongside Fortnite can cause crashes. Close unnecessary background programs, especially those consuming a lot of CPU or memory. This includes browser tabs, streaming software, and other demanding applications.

6. Adjust Graphics Settings:
Lowering in-game graphics settings can reduce the strain on your system. Experiment with different settings, such as resolution, texture quality, and effects, to find a balance between performance and visual quality.

7. Temperature Monitoring:
Overheating components can lead to crashes. Use monitoring tools to check the temperatures of your CPU and GPU. Clean the dust from your PC components, ensure proper airflow, and consider improving cooling if temperatures are too high.

8. Windows Updates:
Ensure that your operating system is up to date. Windows updates often include important fixes and optimizations that can address compatibility issues. Check for updates in the Windows Settings.

9. Disable Overlays:
Some third-party overlays, such as Discord or GeForce Experience, can conflict with Fortnite. Disable these overlays and test if the crashes persist.

10. Adjust Power Settings:
Set your power plan to "High Performance" in the Windows Power Options. This ensures that your PC is delivering optimal performance, especially during gaming sessions.

11. Firewall and Antivirus:
Firewall or antivirus software may interfere with Fortnite. Add Fortnite to your firewall's exception list and temporarily disable your antivirus to check if it resolves the issue. Be cautious and re-enable security measures afterward.

12. Reinstall Fortnite:
If none of the above steps work, consider reinstalling Fortnite. Uninstall the game, restart your PC, and then download and install the latest version from the Epic Games Launcher.

By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot and fix Fortnite crashes on your PC. If the problem persists, consider reaching out to Epic Games support for further assistance.


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